Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Project Oh So Close To Completion

Since I spend oh so very much time in my office, known as the COD (Cody's Old Room), I decided it needed a little updating. It takes me FOR. EVER. to complete a project partly due to time, partly due to difficulty making decisions. Well I am happy to say that with the exception of a few details, the room is complete. And I love it. I can't be sure, but being in such a pleasing environment may also be having an impact on my productivity. And since the harder I work, the more I get paid, yes I would say it's all good.

Before -- Too many desks, boring walls. Too much disorganization.

One desk removed, painted walls and I can look out the window while work. The neighborhood now gets away with nothing.

The closet after a little bit of cleaning out. Ick.

The finished closet -- my own little scrapbook store.

One of my painters, but her dad had to finish the job who can paint a wall in 15 minutes without getting 1 drop on the ceiling. I think that's amazing. He worked while I was out so no pics.

In the corner, is the bookcase, Brenda and I painted this summer. If you could see it, the white frame above the bookcase has pictures of flowers that I took myself. Nothing like one's own artwork.

Surrounded by pictures and things that mean so much to me.

So, now next on my list is ripping off NBA wallpaper in Carson's room and painting, then onto the bathroom upstairs then our room and bathroom. Could take a while .....

1 comment:

Brenda said...

I love how it looks. Congratulations on a great job!