Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Two Lives

Within about a week and 12 hours, 2 people I knew passed away.  One was 100 years old.  One was 16 years old.  One I knew quite well, the other I only knew about.  

All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
(Psalm 139:16)

In July 2007, we celebrated the 100th birthday of Grandpa Tigges.  All of his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren were there and it was a wonderful time.  Some traveled from Arizona, some from Nebraska, and some from California.  My first memories of Grandpa were when Mark and I started dating and he was still helping on the farm.  I can still see him in my mind's eye coming up the driveway on the tractor.  He and grandma had moved "to town" but he still loved to be involved with the farm work.  I saw his devotion to his wife when she had a stroke in 1987.  For many years, he cared for her at home, but eventually it was just too hard and she was moved to the nursing home where he visited her almost daily.  We last saw Grandpa on Christmas Day when he drove out to the farm to celebrate Christmas.  How he loved scratching those lottery tickets he got as a gift.  No big winners, but he came out ahead.  He was a good man who raised good people who, in turn, raised good people.  With the exception of a stay in the nursing home for a few months, he was able to stay independent, driving himself to the farm and church every Sunday, but most of the people that were in his life had passed on and he was ready to join them.  He will be missed, but I know he is "dwelling in the house of the Lord forever."  

Jason was 16 and a junior in high school when he passed away 7 days and 12 hours before Grandpa after a 3-year battle with cancer.  I first saw evidence of the impact Jason and his family have had several years ago when I watched a video of his parents talking about his illness yet their faith remained strong.  I saw it again 2 days before Jason died when I went to a high school basketball game and about 150-200 kids stayed after the game and were down on their knees on the gym floor lifting Jason and his family up in prayer.  The funeral lasted longer than an hour and a half and while it was filled with sadness, it was also a also celebration.  Kids at Waukee High School are asking questions now.  They want to know about God, they want to know about heaven, they have a yearning to know more.  

Where O death is your victory?  
Were O death is your sting?
(I Cor. 15:55)

I read an article that says on your tombstone is the date of your birth and the date of your death and in between those dates is a dash.  It's what you do with the dash that can make a difference.  Two lives - One long, one short, but both made that dash count.  

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Time for New Year's Resolutions?

Generally, I don't take much stock in New Year's Resolutions. Especially since I read that approximately 80-some percent of people who make New Year's resolutions, break them before January is up. But I do like to take a look at my life and see if there are things that can be fine tuned. And there always are. Here are some for this year.

I have always enjoyed walking, but as I look back, I walked more in 2005 than 2006, more in 2006 than 2007. So that is going in the wrong direction and I can tell. I caught a cold this year and it's unusual for me to catch any kind of sickness. I prefer to lay around than move around. I want more energy, it makes me live a fuller life. So like about 90 billion other people today, I am going to try to incorporate exercise and walking into my life.

I want to spend more time in God's Word and prayer. That I did more of in 2006 than 2005 and more in 2007 than 2006. So I'm heading in the right direction. Now I need to build on that so that next year I can say I spent more time with God in 2008 than I did in 2007.

I want my house to not feel so full. I am on the box-a-day plan. Every day or at least several times per week (I don't need to beat myself up over this resolution stuff), I'm going to find a box or a drawer and clean it up. I want to reuse more than just throw out. I actually started this in the fall, so the plan is to keep on going.

I want my finances to be different. Some expenses were unavoidable this year and financially we did better in 2007 than 2006 so to just keep working on that. I wish somehow shopping cuold be a career ......

So that's it for me -- Time will tell how it all turns out. Happy New Year!!