Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Time for New Year's Resolutions?

Generally, I don't take much stock in New Year's Resolutions. Especially since I read that approximately 80-some percent of people who make New Year's resolutions, break them before January is up. But I do like to take a look at my life and see if there are things that can be fine tuned. And there always are. Here are some for this year.

I have always enjoyed walking, but as I look back, I walked more in 2005 than 2006, more in 2006 than 2007. So that is going in the wrong direction and I can tell. I caught a cold this year and it's unusual for me to catch any kind of sickness. I prefer to lay around than move around. I want more energy, it makes me live a fuller life. So like about 90 billion other people today, I am going to try to incorporate exercise and walking into my life.

I want to spend more time in God's Word and prayer. That I did more of in 2006 than 2005 and more in 2007 than 2006. So I'm heading in the right direction. Now I need to build on that so that next year I can say I spent more time with God in 2008 than I did in 2007.

I want my house to not feel so full. I am on the box-a-day plan. Every day or at least several times per week (I don't need to beat myself up over this resolution stuff), I'm going to find a box or a drawer and clean it up. I want to reuse more than just throw out. I actually started this in the fall, so the plan is to keep on going.

I want my finances to be different. Some expenses were unavoidable this year and financially we did better in 2007 than 2006 so to just keep working on that. I wish somehow shopping cuold be a career ......

So that's it for me -- Time will tell how it all turns out. Happy New Year!!

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