I was at Michael's craft store the other day and the scrapbook aisle always draws me like ants to jelly. I was looking over the stickers and other scrapbooking accessories and the word "memory" was available in every way imaginable. There were ways to remember vacations, sports, every grade in school, weddings, childhood milestones, and on and on it goes. I think we are more aware of the significance of memories, of remembering certain times of our lives or even just the everyday-ness of life. We hold our memories a little more tightly.
Blogging is a part of that. A young lady, named Paige, who I think is wonderful, recently began her blog and she had some doubts and wondered if it was something she should do. I have read some things she has written and she is a gifted writer. She had a lot of encouragement and I'm happy to say she started blogging. All the blogs I have listed on this site are written by people I know and I love reading all of them.
But back to the reasons for blogging. Do I write because I think people are interested in my life? I think probably not. Personally, I cannot even imagine who would be interested. I don't even think my family reads the things I write. In fact, I don't know if anyone does. But that's okay. While I love my life, I'm sure to many it seems pretty ordinary, not too much excitement. But I believe that's probably how my parents and my grandparents saw their lives and now I want to know more about those lives. The irony of life is that we often become interested after the opportunity has passed. My mom has talked about "thrashing" season while she was a young girl. What was it like for my grandparents to farm? My Grandma Brasser used to talk about taking a sleigh in the winter. With horses. Pulling it. I would like to read their blogs now. So maybe someday, a grandchild or a great grandchild will want to read what life was like when we had to use computers and cell phones.
As Brenda asked the question, someone replied that they blog to remember. I can look back at other posts and see how God worked through something. If my family ever does read mine, they might get a little different glimpse of me that I don't always show. Not because I don't want to, just more because I don't think about it. It can be tiring to those around you to always have the waterfall of emotions going on. There are things I want to remember, the way I was feeling at certain times. Blogs remind me of what happened when and how I responded to it and how God used it. It can show how a person is feeling at a certain time and what is happening in their life. Even if no one else in the whole wide world reads it, you still have that place where you can remember what that time in your life was like. So write, be reminded of God's hand in your life, and then Give Thanks.
Blog on,
1 comment:
hiAs I have thought more and more about why I blog, I've considered not writing.
But rememer when we were in school and most of the girls had diaries? To be able to look back, read and remember is a wonderful thing. Scrapbooks are great, but they don't the whole story.
Maybe I should write in a regular journal to have these thoughts in my own handwriting. Well, now that I think about that... who would be ABLE to read it.
But maybe...
Thanks so much.
love you, friend!
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