As I drive around central Iowa, I have been seeing this sight a lot:
This is a field of soy beans ready to be harvested. I took this a couple weeks ago and by now the beans have been taken out of the field. At that time, the corn still had a bit of green about the stalks and leaves; now it too is ready to be picked.
There are a bunch of lessons here, about the plants needing to die before being picked to provide food and nourishment, to fulfill the purpose for which they were planted. But the one I am most reminded of comes from John 4:35: Do you not say, "Four months more and then the harvest?" I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.
I read a disturbing article in the paper this week about child pornography and even in my job typing on people's problems that are a result of poor choices and circumstances, I believe, indeed, the fields are ready for harvest.
Let's Have a Harvest Party,
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