We were in Chicago over the weekend visiting Carissa and she had found a tour we could take that followed the El Lines and gave us an opportunity to do some walking and see some sites that are not quite as well known in Chicago. As we were waiting for the El to get back to our car, Carissa picked up a newspaper called RedEye. One of the articles was called "The 'It' Factor" and attempted to educate us on what was in, out or whatever. In other words, it was going to tell us about the Chicago Cool Index. I read the article and then decided to come up with Linda's Cool Index. Here's my cool list so far:
Well, there it is. My top 8 cool things; probably different from most lists, but hopefully what's cool for me today will not go out of style.
8. Public Transportation. I love public transportation. What a luxury to have scheduled time every day to read, to listen to music, hear a couple podcasts. I would not hear the "ding" of the dryer in the background or look up and see the dust bunnies in the corner telling me sweep them up NOW. In the bigger picture, it's much cheaper than driving and parking fees, it attempts to ease congestion, with fewer cars taking up space. Win-win.
7. Living downtown in a city. Take away transportation completely. Everything within walking distance. There is definitely a vibrant atmosphere and what a variety of people. Here is what the streets looked like that we walked. Looks a little tight, but it makes my cool list.

6. Green living. This was also considered cool in this very liberal publication so it really is possible for conservatives and liberals to find common ground. Nature fascinates me and God has created this amazing earth. Recycle, reuse waste less and be a little kinder to our world.
5. Contentment. I believe it is very cool to be content with who you are and what you have. It's not so cool to always want what you don't have and envy others' successes or stuff. Ick.
4. Healthy Living. It was a beautiful day when we took our hike and as we walked around Chicago, there were many people out walking, riding bikes, and moving. "Don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body." (I Cor. 6:19-20)
3. Take the extra step. I wish when I do something, I would take it one step further. How many times in a day can I make life just a little easier for someone else? Can I hold a door open for the person behind me? Can I let the person with 3 items in their grocery cart go ahead of me? Can I let a car squeeze in front of me on the freeway when I'm just a little bit annoyed with the driver for trying to get 6 cars ahead when we knew long ago that lane was going to close? Monica talks about anticipating needs. How can I give what someone needs before they even know they need it? I accept this as a challenge.
2. Strive for excellence. When I see someone excel at what they do, it literally gives me goosebumps. Listening to Barb or Zach play the piano, watching professional football players, appreciating a good author. My friend, Betty, is a math genius. She sees numbers and letters and odd-looking symbols and you can just see the wheels in her head turning and in about two seconds she has the answer. And it's the right answer although I wouldn't know. Because of her, I will get through math this term. But being the best doesn't always require talent. There is a young black gentleman who is a cashier down at Iowa Methodist Medical Center by the name of Darrett. He greets every person who comes through his line by name and if he can't read it off your name badge, he asks to see it better. If patient families come through, he is equally friendly, asking everyone about their day. Last week, I had to work at the hospital and went down to get my grilled cheese because honestly they make the best grilled cheese sandwiches ever. I had been down earlier for a little refreshment and when I came back several hours later, Darrett still rememered my name and asked me if my day was still going well. Whether you are a student, a football player, a teacher or a medical transcriptionist, do your very best. I don't want the words "good enough" to be in my vocabulary. Or at least not in the same sentence. "Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." (Colossions 3:23)
1. Love God, Love People. In my D-group at ICA is a young girl named Amanda. Amanda has such a sweet spirit, but it's her very real concern for others that gives me an appreciation for her that's on a different level. She has an "old" soul and that's very rare in a 17-year-old. During our D-group meeting a few weeks ago, I mentioned I had had a tough summer, but didn't go into any details. At the end of our meeting, all the girls left except Amanda. She stayed and honestly wanted to know about my experiences of the summer. I can't think of too many things more cool than a genuinely caring heart like Amanda's. "Dear friends, let us continue to love one another, for love comes from God. Anyone who loves is a child of God and knows God. (I John 4:7)
Well, there it is. My top 8 cool things; probably different from most lists, but hopefully what's cool for me today will not go out of style.
Live Big,
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