Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Recycle, Reuse or Repurpose

Lately I have been intrigued by the idea of repurposing. My mom has long been at the very top of reusing and repurposing. After she finishes a loaf of bread, she washes up the plastic bag and reuses it. I am not quite at that level, but I do wash up and reuse my Ziplocs.

Here they are in my cupboard just waiting for their next use. There is usually a little pile of Ziploc bags ready for washing under my sink that will not get a picture here.
So I guess there is a difference between recyling, reusing and repurposing. Give us a definition you are saying? Okay ....
Recycle: To put or pass through a cycle again, as for further treatment.
Reuse: To use something again, often for a different purpose and usually as an alternative to throwing it out.
Repurpose: To use or convert for use in another format or product.
To me, reuse and repurpose are somewhat similar. But here is an idea for repurposing that I found probably on Pinterest.
This is deliciousness in a bottle and how I have my coffee without paying the high Starbucks price. No, it's not quite as good, but it works for me. Anyhow after I finish the White Chocolate Carmel Latte, I get the bottle all cleaned up and use it in a variety of ways:
I had a box of kosher salt that sprung a little leak in one of the corners and was becoming a source of frustration in that I don't need to clean up little salt particles every day. So wah lah, kosher salt in my coffee creamer jar. Here's another one:
A perfect little watering device for my herb seeds and my African violet that is overflowing its pot. Not too much water, not too little, juuuuuust right.
I think you could these creamer containers for little noodles. Oh but I can see this could be a perfect container for rice. So there we are, I think the options are endless and that, my friends, is repurposing. Or maybe reusing. Anyhow it's re'ing something.

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