Friday, March 30, 2012

The Hills Are Alive

My hillside is waking up after sleeping all winter. We didn’t cut anything down last fall and it was looking quite scraggly. So we, okay Mark, went out and chopped all the dead stuff down. We decided to just leave it out there and not clean it up as sort of a mulchy, organic, hopefully helpful environment for all the new growth. I can see that the crown vetch and I will continue to wage battle against one another. There is a newer plant out there and although I have seen it in the past, it is much more abundant this year. I was pretty sure it was something that did not belong there, but when I see so much of one type of plant, I always have hope that it's going to bring me joy. But no. I pulled one up and brought it to my neighborhood Earl May and they assured me it was a weed that would never amount to anything. So I have my work cut out for me out there.

At first, I was a bit dismayed that my nemeses seemed to have a head start on everything else, but then I realized I could see them and start working on them before the other plants got bigger and filled everything in. So I took a look and I warned them .. "I will get you my pretty." Except they aren't so pretty and they are tough little *#@*!.

After a nice rain last night, it will be the perfect time to get out there with digger in hand this weekend and work on removing some of those unwanteds and check how everything else is going. I'm also starting to plan my garden, which always proves to be an adventure.

Weeds beware!

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