Friday, August 1, 2008

Let's Put a Positive Spin On This

I enjoy reading the editorials on the opinion page of the Des Moines Register. However, one of the Register's editors has opinions I rarely agree with. I would say she is a liberal and I would say I am a conservative. Her pros are usually my cons and vice versa. So reading her editorials results in much rolling of my eyes and muttering "oh brother" under my breath over and over. You can imagine my surprise a few weeks ago when the title of her editorial for the day was "How High Gas Prices Could Improve Our Lives." I agree!!! Here's a few quotes from her editorial.

Tough as it is, they could force us to make adjustments that result in healthier, more communal and environmentally friendly living. And they could push governments and businesses to help provide the infrastructure.

And if people limit their forays to the mall just to hang out or exercise, and start using their neighborhoods for recreation, maybe we'd see more block parties and picnics and a growing sense of community connectedness.

...... when we stop behaving as if the Earth's resources are infinite and each of us has unlimited, autonomous access to them, we might also start living more consciously and purposefully.

She made some other good points about riding bikes, public transportation, shorter work weeks, etc. I did some checking and there has been a 3.7% decrease in automobile use. That doesn't sound huge except it translates to 9.6 billion vehicle miles. 3.7% is the biggest drop ever in the summer. And I noticed gas prices have dropped in the last few weeks. Supply and demand, demand and supply.

I see bike sales are way up.

My Attitude of Gratitude
1. Kenley Marie, born this week, healthy baby, healthy mom.
2. The perfect colors of my freshly painted office.
3. Dena, Paige and Wellspring.
4. Getting to see family this weekend in NW Iowa.
5. My new computer.

With Lifted Heart and Hands
1. Healing: Tate, my dad, Carissa's foot, Katie, Westview families.
2. Job Searches: Carson, Curtis, Aaron, and Mike.
3. Safety as we travel to NW Iowa.
4. Couples strugging with infertility.
5. That I can get my shortcuts into my new computer.

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