Every so often, God allows me to see Him in action. I am following the story of a young woman, Katie Bloom, who is proving that God can do so much more than we can imagine.
Last Monday, when I was at the surgery center we learned of a young woman who delivered her third baby at the beginning of July and several weeks later had a severe brain hemorrhage. They operated on her and the prognosis was unknown. Thousands of prayers have been said over Katie Bloom. She is improving daily, she is showing many people what faith is all about.
To read the entire story about Katie use this link Katie's progress. And while you're there, please lift up Katie Bloom to the Throne of Grace.
This Thankful Heart:
1. All the people of faith who believe in a God who can do All Things praying for Katie Bloom.
2. All the butterflies flitting about in my yard.
3. Cool breeze on summer nights.
4. Rachel joining us for Tiramasu Tuesday.
5. My husband who kills my weeds, paints my office and then is mostly ok with repainting it when the color isn't just right.
What's On My Heart
1. Continued healing for Katie Bloom.
2. Healing for Tate, my dad and Carissa's foot.
3. Paint crew safety.
4. Perfect jobs for Carson, Curtis, Aaron and Mike.
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