An eternal instant. A moment that reminds you of the treasures surrounding you. Your home. Your peace of mind. Your health. A moment that tenderly rebukes you for spending so much time on temporal preoccupations such as savings accounts, houses, and punctuality. A moment that can bring a mist to the manliest of eyes and perspective to the darkest life.
Dena then listed some eternal instances in her life. To read more of this devotional by Max Lucado and Dena's eternal instances, click here. But I started thinking about the eternal instances in my life and created my own list. Here are mine:
1. Getting up at 4 a.m. to watch the sun rise over Lake Michigan.
2. Meeting my mom and dad in St. Paul, Mn. to watch Carson run for approximately 1 minute in the 4 x 4 relay for Westside Track Club.
3. My Dad's prayer at Cody and Elizabeth's wedding.
4. Meeting Mark's parents for the first time when they gave me a 16 oz. bottle of Coke and I didn't think I could drink it all.
5. Going up north to the cottage with Bill and Edie's family every summer.
6. Carissa as Cinderella her senior year of high school.
7. My kids all having a part in Gerri's wedding.
8. Closing Barb in the chicken coop at Grandma Van Wyk's and in my best Wicked Witch of the West voice, telling her she was "in there for ever."
9. Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa VanWyk's house and ham sandwiches.
10. Sunday afternoons at Grandma and Grandpa Brasser's house.
11. Watching Cody play basketball at the state tournament. In fact, having the opportunity to watch that group of boys play basketball.
12. Praying with Dena.
13. Coffee with Monica.
14. Visits with friends.
15. Brenda and I going to Minneapolis a couple years ago to see Barb.
16. Watching Mark play basketball for Northwestern.
17. Popcorn parties on 3rd East of Fern Smith Hall.
18. Family vacation to Colorado in 1974 and 2005.
19. Dale performing the dog chow commercial all the way to Colorado in 1974.
20. Skating, sledding and camping back by the river.
21. Eating my mom's birthday cakes - the chocolate kind and the gooey kind.
22. Summer Birthday parties with Mark's family.
23. Christmas programs.
24. Going to the Upper Penninsula with mom and dad in 1981 (pregnant with Cody at the time).
25. My mom making me a new Christmas dress every year.
26. Sitting in Sunday night church with the other high school girls and laughing so hard the bench shook.
27. Grandma Brasser trying to peek at her Christmas present before it was her turn to open it.
28. Trips to Bay Beach.
29. Cody's laughter as he reads the jokes in the Readers Digest.
30. Cindy's kindergarten stories.
31. Going to Pine Haven Men's Chorus concerts and seeing my dad sing.
32. Calves pulling on Grandma VanWyk's dress as she fed them.
33. Grandma and Grandpa Brasser's beautiful house.
34. Cody telling all the nurses at the hospital about his new baby brother named Carson.
35. Carson running around the hospital room and climbing on everything when Carissa was born (he didn't come back to the hospital).
36. Cheering Elizabeth and Cody at the Chicago marathon.
37. Carissa as a flower girl 4 times.
38. Iowa Football games.
30. Working on my wildflower hillside.
40. Feeling God's presence at my dad's funeral service.
This is just a fraction of the eternal instances God has given me. If you read this, try to make up your own list, in your head or write them down. It's good to remember.
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