There's a commercial I see frequently that always makes me smile. It's for MasterCard with Peyton Manning, the quarterback for the Indianopolis Colts. In the first scene, Peyton is waiting for the elevator in a hotel in New England with the bellhop. The bellhop tells Peyton "You're going down Manning" to which Peyton replies "Yep, 4th floor, going to get a massage, I'm excited." The next scene Peyton is in Cleveland and room service brings him a fruit basket telling him "Don't choke on it" and Peyton says "Good call, I'll cut it up and make a fruit salad." The final scene Peyton comes onto his balcony at his hotel in San Diego and says good morning to the maid cleaning on the next balcony to which she tells him "take a hike." Peyton tells her he's "going to do that, the weather here is sweet."
A soft word turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. (Proverbs 15:1)
I found this little prayer many, many years ago. I liked it then, I like it now.
Prayer of an Optimist by Jerry Spinelli
I saw a worm with an apple around it;
The tiniest speck of a bug flew into my eye, but I got it out before it drowned;
I flipped a coin and called heads - it came up tails -
Flipped it again and called tails - it came up heads -
Sure glad I'm not a coin, having to be wrong all the time;
I reached into a rosebush for a ball and got nicked by a thorn near the loveliest rose I've ever seen -
I wonder how long that proud bush had been trying to get my attention;
My tire went flat, so was my spare - I walked - I may never ride again;
For the fifteen thousand one hundred and first day in a row, I breathed approximately
twenty-six thousand times - That's - get this Westinghouse - nearly four hundred million without a failure!
And another Partly Sunny day tomorrow?
You're going to spoil me yet.
The next time I'm driving down I-235 and the car next to me honks and waves at me with their middle finger in the air, I'm going to smile widely and wave with my whole hand. Some people are so friendly.
1. Church and dinner with Dena and Greg last week.
2. The people in my small group.
3. The ladies in my Women of the Word group.
4. E-mails and text messages from Cody, Elizabeth, Carson and Carissa.
5. Phone calls from Rachel and Betty.
6. Hearing from a couple girls who graduated from Waukee a while back.
I Am Praying For
1. Tate.
2. Barack Obama and the leaders of our country.
3. The United States of America.
4. My D-group.
5. People who have lost jobs.
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