This is one of my all-time favorite pictures.

This is my grandfather and me. There are a lot of things I like about this picture. I don't know where we were going when this picture was taken, perhaps for a Sunday drive as this picture was taken in a car. I love his hat, I love the bow in my hair and the fact that I'm pretty sure my mom made my coat.
God has placed some pretty wonderful people in my life. One of the people I just appreciate so much is a young lady named Tyra. Tyra could be my daughter had I started having a family much, much younger.
Okay, not that much younger.
Tyra is a bundle of energy and you can't help but have your spirits lifted just by spending a few minutes with her. She coordinates the children's ministry at our church and I can't imagine a person better suited for that role.
I have been on this cleaning rampage for several months now (it is waning somewhat, but I press forward) and in Carissa's room I found an angel suit and some crafty things I thought Tyra could use with her own little ones and in her children's ministry. I stopped by her house one day and I was completely caught off guard when she opened the door. She was wearing nice clothes, had makeup on, and, this really shocked me. She was wearing jewelry. Silver no less! I said do you have company, are you having a party? I was just thinking, well, I don't know what I was thinking. And guess what she said? She said she and her little guy were having some cuddle time. She looked this amazing for cuddle time. I have to tell you, I was in awe. I can go from bed to Hy-Vee to Target barely passing go. And since I work at home, I don't even want to talk about wearing pajama pants and a t-shirt for work. I think it was honoring to Tyra's little ones and her husband that she took the time and effort to look her best.
I don't believe in obsessing about our appearance, but I could at least not scare people when I'm running my errands. If I worked in an office, I wouldn't be able to wear sweat pants so I could do better with that. It's not like it takes a whole lot of time to fix oneself up a bit.
Oh, and I do wish men's hats would make a comeback.
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