Wow, it's been a while since I've been here. I'm not really sure where August went and now September is half over. I brought Carissa back to Chicago with a buzz up to Wisconsin and then we moved Carson to Fairfield, Iowa where, glory hallelujah, he got a job as the sports editor of the Fairfield newspaper.
My visit to Wisconsin was wonderful. I saw so many people and being there for a couple days, got to spend some quality time with those folks. Brenda and I did some things together, I saw all my aunts and uncles who are so dear to me and just spending time with the 'rents, brothers and their families is always a blessing in itself. I had lots of highlights, lunch with Shari, Nicki joining us at Firehouse Pizza where it is my opinion they have theeee very best pizza anywhere. Then there's Johnson's Bakery. **sigh** Lands sake, I can never get enough of their mudpies. I loved our tirimasu night in Sheboygan. I would mention the name of that restaurant, but I don't remember how to spell it. Trust me, it was good. As you can see we had a wonderful little group of us.

So, yes, it was marvelous time there.
Since I've been home, I have had numerous projects going on. I cleaned up Carissa's room and I am not joking when I saw that was a waaaaaaay bigger job than I thought at first. I believe the child makes lists about everything and never throws a single thing away. There are still boxes waiting for her visit home to decide if they contain anything she will ever look at again.
The project in my office continues. It's been painted for a while, now I'm working on the details. I have pictures so will put up before and after pictures. I'm going to love it and since I work in there, it's going to be a nice place to spend my time.
Finally, we continue working on the hillside that was weeds, weeds, weeds. It's been a long project; we killed the weeds, mowed them, raked them, removed them, tilled, raked again and last night we finally got the seed down. Now we have to water and watch it bloom. They say these things take several years before they are firmly established, but it will be fun to watch it take off. We should get some plants up this year. I've learned a lot and can't wait to see how it all ends up.
Now, I hope that I don't wait another month to come back here.
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