At least I'm pretty sure.
Now I don't know where this particular young man lands on the coolness scale at WHS, but driving around in a car like this can probably move you up the ladder pretty quickly. What I noticed about him though was that his face was pale white, even accounting for the fact it is December in Iowa, and he was either scared or very, very nervous. I was able to get such a good look at him because the road was semi-slick and we were moving pretty slowly, this was at 7:45 in the morning so lots of traffic, and, the Corvette was in a snowbank in the ditch. The young man kept looking behind him like he was looking for a break in the traffic to get back on the road. I will be the first to admit I don't know much at all about cars, but I don't think a Corvette is an off-road type of vehicle that you want to use to go in and out of ditches.
Three things passed through my mind as I passed this stranded teenager.
1. He's going to be late for school and I wonder if Mark is his dean.
2. I hope that his dad or stepdad or whoever paid for this shiny toy is grateful the young man is unhurt; thankful that he slipped into the ditch and not into oncoming traffic.
3. Teenage Driver + Corvette + Slick Roads = Not Such A Good Idea.
Slip slidin' away.
1. Praying and meeting with Dena.
2. Paige, Wellspring, peppermint lattes and Poore Bros BBQ potato chips.
3. Family together next weekend.
4. Games.
5. Chocolate covered graham crackers.
I'm Praying For
1. Tate.
2. Mark, Cody, Elizabeth, Carson and Carissa.
3. Jeff, Nancy, Noah and Brianna.
4. People who have lost jobs.
5. Safe travel.
6. Keeping the meaning in Christmas.
7. My D-Group.