Part of my job with Iowa Health System is to do what is called "Net Learning." By definition, Net Learning is The Ultimate Learning System. I suppose it's an OSHA requirement or some other government-required standard. We used to have to sit through meetings where they taught us about safety, fire hazards, what to do in an emergency, etc. So it's definitely an improvement to just read a module and then take a test and, hooray, you're done with that one for now.
Truthfully, I don't usually read the material. I jump right to the test. And this has worked pretty well for me. Not that I'm so smart, but quite frankly the questions are pretty easy. Here's a couple examples:
True or False: If you see a fire, you should pull the fire alarm. Hmmm, let me think a bit. I think that might be true. Why yes, that's right. Here's another:
True or False: If there is a tornado, you should run outside and take all the patients with you. I'm going to go with false on that one. And yes, I'm right again.
I kid.
But really you do not need to be a genius to pass these tests.
However, last summer I did my usual of jumping right to the test and wouldn't you know it. I failed. Now in my defense, it was a little harder. It involved Environmental Safety, Safety Management, Hazardous Materials, Emergency Management, Medical Equipment Management, Utilities Management and that all-encompassing Further Information. Is anyone completely familiar with Medical Equipment Management? Well I did find this bit of info "No weapons (firearms, clubs, knives with long blades) may be carried on hospital property." I'm certainly relieved, but I don't think there was a question about that on the test. Which is surprising. On this test, I had to know what was a hazardous material, how it should be labeled and how to properly dispose of it. That might sound easy. Trust me, it's not. There's all kinds of hazardous materials in a hospital. Who knew? Medical Equipment Management? Not so sure about that stuff either.
So there I was Monday morning doing my volunteer work at the surgery center when the thought occurs to me that we really aren't very busy, perhaps I should work on my Net Learning. Especially since I probably should read the material this time. I don't know if they keep track of how many times you take a test, but I don't want to take a chance and take it, like 5 times and someone monitors that stuff and thinks I'm a total idiot.
So I'm reading about Environmental Safety, Safety Management, etc., etc., and I'm thinking this is not fascinating reading plus I work from home. If there's an emergency, I would be the emergency. I don't think you can self administer CPR. And I don't think we have any hazardous materials around. But one thing I did remember from my reading was that if anything bad ever happens while I'm at the hospital, I should dial 777.
The action in the surgery center picked up a bit so I abandoned my Net Learning for the time being and I picked up People magazine or maybe it was Better Homes and Gardens. I know it wasn't Oprah because I don't really care for her, so I didn't want to read her magazine. As I'm sitting there, one of the registration clerks frantically came running out of her office telling us her patient, who was a child, was having a seizure and he had been seizing for 5 minutes. We all pretty much froze at that point, we're all volunteers at the desk and they don't give us training on these kinds of things. But then I think, this is probably the time to call 777. So I did, they announced it throughout the hospital and all the personnel from the surgical area came running. It was quite a to-do. It all turned out okay though. The child was fine. He wasn't actually there for surgery, just a procedure, and I saw him later running around.
We have all heard of UFO sightings. We talk about G.O.D. sightings. I think G.O.D. sightings are truly common, we just don't look for them. We call them coincidences. Or luck. Was the fact that I had been doing my Net Learning a coincidence? I've never tried to do that while volunteering before. Would I have remembered about 777 if I had not failed the test the first time? Was it a coincidence that I was there on the same day that this little guy had his appointment and I knew about 777, but I doubt any other volunteer knows about it. I don't believe in coincidence. I don't believe in luck. I do believe that sometimes God puts us in a place and gives us the knowledge we need to know to do what needs to be done. G.O.D. sightings -- Look for them. You will be amazed at what you see.
My Grateful Heart
1. Talking with Cindy on the phone last week.
2. Talking with Dena today.
3. Kids with faith bigger than their circumstances.
4. Talking with my mom today.
5. Seeing the Church Basement Ladies with friends the other night.
6. My D-Group and how they are growing.
Please God ....
1. Heal Tate. Please.
2. Wisdom for people making decisions.
3. The right jobs come up for those who are looking.
4. Healing.
5. The upcoming election.